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Abstract submission

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Why submit?

​Deadline for submission: February 15, 2025!​

​The best abstracts will have the opportunity to present their work at the Surgical AI & Telesurgery Days and gain fast-track submission in the prestigious peer-reviewed Topical Collection "Artificial Intelligence in Surgery and Telesurgery" of the EAES official journal Surgical Endoscopy. Additionally, these outstanding contributors stand a chance to win the Best Abstract Price.


We look forward to reviewing your contributions and thank you for sharing your work with the community! â€‹

How to submit your abstract​
The abstract should entail:​​​​​​


Full title of manuscript. The title should be as brief as possible.



A short running head of not more than 40 characters.



Department and institutional affiliation for each author;

full details on presenting author;

Name, address, telephone and email of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed. 



No more than 300 words stating background or aim, methods, results and conclusions.



The purpose of this study.



The detailed methods applied in this study incl. description of patients, materials, software, experimental apparatus, etc.



The main findings of this study, including conclusive description of analysis and comparison with other related research results, etc.



The conclusion of this study. We suggest that authors may highlight its significance, emphasize the value of this study and state expectation on future studies that may need to be carried out.



Please suggest up to 6 keywords separated by semicolon which can be used for describing the content of the abstract.



One figure or table is allowed.

Surgical Endoscopy​​


Surgical Endoscopy is a well-renowned journal focusing on the gastrointestinal tract, endoscopy, and innovative interventional surgical techniques.


  • Published since 1987 in partnership with the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) and European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES).


  • Offers a forum for the discussion of surgical practice and innovative techniques.


  • Renowned editorial team provides expert early guidance for researchers.


  • High visibility for publications through societies, libraries, and social media.

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Journal Impact Factor

2.4 (2023)

5-year Journal Impact Factor

3.1 (2023)


1,810,862 (2023)

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